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Saturday, June 21, 2008

莫文蔚 Karen Mok Wen Wei

莫文蔚 also known as Karen Mok Wen Wei. Her birth name is actually Karen Joy Morris and this name is often used in Hollywood but in Asia countries like Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Taiwan, she is known as Karen Mo. She is a Hong Kong-based actress and singer and I am sure almost all of the Chinese who she is and I need no more further elaboration about her singer cum actress.

She can speak up 5 languages such as English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian and French as her mother is quarter-Persian, quarter-German on her father's side, half-Chinese from her mother's; father is half-Welsh on his father's side, half-Chinese from his mother's.

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I have tried it myself and I am having lots of fun! Here I am recommending it to you!

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  • 吴佩慈 Wu Pei Ci
  • 莫文蔚 Karen Mok Wen Wei
  • 萧亚轩 Elva Hsiao
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